What I Would Say

{What I Would Say Today}

If I weren't so worried about offending.

Love your kids. a lot.
play with them. pray with them.
laugh with them.
give up the laundry and play combines with them.
be nicer to them. be kinder to them. 
stop complaining about them.
they're only little once.

Be really, really gracious with your little ones.
We're called to be {tender-hearted}.
ephesians 4
why do we get the harshest with the littlest ones in our lives?


Grant had big tears in the grocery yesterday because he wanted a donut.
I caught myself wanting to tell him it was fine and to stop.
i paused and gathered myself.
and then knelt down right in the middle of the bakery section and hugged him close.
and told him i loved him, and I know it's sad when we don't get what we want.

because I have, for sure, cried out to God before when I'm disappointed.
does He harshly tell me to get over it and pull myself together?
no way.
He quiets me with His Love.
Zephaniah 3

{What I Would Say Today...}

if I weren't worried about offending

Love your family well.  
Love others well.
even radically.

today, choose to be radically patient and kind to the littles in your life.
to the bigs in your life.

{they will know us by our love.}
john 13
today, be kind in your words.
patient in your actions.
These little ones of ours are given Divinely to us.

today, i will embrace my 2-year-old's independence.
i will hug her when she freaks out, 
knowing how many times the Lord has scooped me up into His Loving arms when I am spiritually weary.

today, choose grace.
grace for your kids.
I will be compassionate  the midst of all potential 2-and-4-year-old-drama.
grace for yourself.
 i will not be frustrated that our guest bedroom is a laundry explosion.

and in choosing grace for our kids, 
remember that we model for them the Parent who committed the Ultimate Act of Grace.
do it well.

John 3:16

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sara said...

love! thank you...i fall short of this every day. they are only little once and boy do they need the love and grace!!

Danna said...

This is so very true.
Anna, as usual, I love your post. You speak to my heart, thank you!

Katie @ Team Skelley said...

That was very lovely and us parents need reminding of this once in awhile. Thank you for sharing and also for your nice comment at the blog!


Rebecca said...

Beautiful! Thanks for sharing! How often I have to remind myself to enjoy my kids and stop being so frustrated (even thought they're frustrating!!!) -- they'll be with us such a short time!!!

Heidi said...

Love this post! Beautiful!

Emily said...

Thanks so much for this reminder! Much easier for me to be harsh than patient and loving!