Who am I?

My name is Anna.

I'm a wife 
{to a really great husband who happens to be a full-time pastor}.

I'm a laid-back momma to Grant. 
{a laid back seven-year-old who happens to have juvenile rheumatoid arthritis}.

And Grace.
{a spunky 5-year-old who loves all animals and bothering her brother}

I love the bottled, real-sugar Coke, Sweettarts, Italian food,
to run, cook, browse Pottery Barn's catalogs, wear flip flops, and stay up late.
later than I should.

I love to start my day with my Bible and coffee.
with lots of half and half.

I cherish these days at home with my small kids.
and would love to have more.  a lot more.

I have crazy difficult pregnancies.
{hyperemesis, pulmonary embolisms, pre-eclampsia and preemies}.

Which the Lord has used to break our hearts for orphans.

A part of my heart will always be in Africa.   

We lost a son through adoption.  
he will always be our son.

I long to live a life that's making a difference for eternity. 
a radical difference.

and I love to write about our days...the big days, the small days...
{because they're all big days to me.}