Tuesday Morning

So, Matt had a 6:30 breakfast meeting this morning, and I think somehow, although he's super quiet, his getting in the shower woke Grant up at 6:06. I went into his room and he was saying, "goodmorning, mommy! out please! out!" I was like, "uh-uh, we are NOT getting up this early!" So, I told him I had to go get my socks on and would be right back...he laid back down, and I was hoping to get another 30 minutes out of him. Well, he then slept until 7:45!!!! :woohoo:

I SO needed that!!! Grace's sleeping has gotten better...just waking up 2x/night instead of 5 or 6! Tonight I'm going to try to let her make noise (she's never crying) for awhile at her 3:30 waking. (I don't really think she needs to eat at 12:30 AND 3:30!)

I'm still in jammies this morning...Matt has a lunch meeting about 1/2 way between church and our house, so he's just going to come home and work from home after his lunch meeting! YAY! he's had several LONG days (Sunday he was gone from 7 in the morning to 9:30 that night!), and even though he'll have to work from home, it will be nice to have him home!!

AND, I'm going to go running while he's here during the kiddos' nap!!! :cheer: I'm *dying* to get back into running regularly. After being sick adn then with Gracie's crazy night wakings, I have just been too tired to run. I know it's an oxymoron because I KNOW I'll have more energy after running, but I've honestly just been too tired to go. :? So, today I'm am committed to just GOING.

Okay, I better get cleaning while Sesame Street is on! (I try to limit Grant to just Sesame Street in the morning! I'm trying SO hard to cut down his TV to just about 45 minutes/day).

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