Monday Night

Whew! It's 10 o'clock and I am SO tired - I guess that's what happens when you've been up since 5 with only a 30-ish minute nap. Here's the rundown for the day -

1. Grace is such a sleeper! She slept from 8 pm last night until 5 this morning! We always thought Grant was such a good sleeper and easy baby, and Grace is definitely a better sleeper so far and seems even easier! I keep holding my breath, waiting for her to "wake up" and start crying all night or something, but she only keeps getting better at night! Wild.
2. However, we have definitely learned that Miss Grace *needs* her Zantac! The couple of times she hasn't gotten a dosage, or she's spit up the dosage, she's definitely gurgly and in pain. A super high percentage of preemies have reflux, so it's just the "preemie-ness" coming out. I'm soooo very thankful that it's easily controlled by the Zantac, though!
3. We had such a great day yesterday! We went up to church on the north side, and called my brother and SIL afterwards to see if we could just stop by to say hi - we hadn't seen their new house yet! So, our "stop by" visit turned into 3 hours, but it was a lot of fun. Grant had just the best time playing with his cousin, andwe had a great time visiting with them.
4. And, we borrowed my brother's carpet cleaner, so Matt spent Grant's nap time cleaning our living room carpet today. It already looks SO much better! Great job, Matt! The living room also looks so big and clean with everything moved out! But, I'm ready to get things moved back in, though - hopefully it will be dry tomorrow morning.
5. My legs are soooo sore tonight after running another 20 minutes. I did 2.1 miles 2 nights ago, but could only do 1.66 tonight. Just one of those "off" runs - but, hey, at least I was out there, right? Faster and further than everyone sitting on the couch! We're doing a 5K over Labor Day weekend, so I gotta keep running! I'm trying to remind myself that I had a baby 2 months ago, but I'm SO ready to be back in the shape I was in last summer! slowly but surely, right?
6. Well, Grace is asleep finally, so I should go to bed, too!

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Debbie7 said...

I am glad Grace is such a GOOD sleeper! I like the new family picture you just put on your blog.