Grace has always been a really great sleeper - her usual pattern has been to go to bed for the night anywhere between 9 and 10, and then she used to wake up at 2 and 5 am to eat, then sleep to about 8. After about a month of that pattern she started sleeping until 4 am, then 7 am.

Well, last night she slept from 10 pm to 6 am! Way to go, Grace! We always thought Grant was (and still is!) a good sleeper, but Grace has him way surpassed - she's definitely sleeping more, and is easier to get to sleep, than Grant was at this age! Matt and I were talking last night and were wondering if we really got this lucky with 2 great sleepers! At first I thought Grace was sleeping this well just because she was a preemie, but she's 4 weeks adjusted now and *still* sleeping well! Here's hoping that it continues!

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Unknown said...

Sweet Grace - giving her mom and dad longer sleep at night : )