
so, I've been quiet recently.
not because I don't have words overflowing inside of me that I've wanted to write,
but because my camera's {my beloved Nikon!} been broken.
{my photos have looked like this.}

and, for some reason,
i cannot write with out photos.

but, for whatever reason for which I am grateful,
my camera is working again.

so, it's my afternoon Diet Coke break time.
{i'll switch to coffee soon.}

my favorite newly-turned-5-year-old is playing with his quiet time toys.

{and this beautiful girl}

is napping because she is crazy sick with a nasty kidney infection.
doing an ultrasound of her kidneys as well as a upper and lower back x-ray soon
to see why she's getting kidney infections as well as {hopefully} figure out the cause of the back pain she's been complaining about for a couple of months.

as soon as I hit [publish post] I'm going to tackle some of the kitchen disaster and start 
the Pioneer Woman's Perfect Pot Roast for supper.
{even my mostly vegetarian self likes it}

so, that's my Tuesday.  
i love staying at home with my kids.
i've talked with several other mommy-friends recently 
who struggle with their stay-at-home-mom-ness.
it is a hard position.
i get it.

it can sometimes feel like a shot in the dark.
and, yes, sometimes it's just so hard.
so hard to be loving and patient and kind all.the.time 
to little people who are whiny, crying, and just so needy all.the.time.
but i guess I just think it's so very, very worth it.
it's an opportunity to invest so deeply into a few little lives.
i mean,
our kiddos could be the next Chuck Swindoll. or Mother Teresa.  
or congressman. or missionary.

or the next father who loves his family really, really well, 
and serves His Savior really, really well.

that was one of my New Year's Resolutions -
to be even more intentional with these kiddos.
  {and to be even more intentional with my own life.}
for, as they see me serve, love, and honor my Savior, 
hopefully they will, too.

so, that's my Tuesday.
even in my running clothes, bed unmade, dishes undone,
I'll take it.
for this is the day the Lord has made.
{i will rejoice in it.}

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Anonymous said...

this sure is the Lord's day as is every day. praying for healing for your little girl! love chuck swindoll, i don't know why we don't attend his church when were down the street but go to a different one instead. happy tuesday!

Birdy said...

Anna, be sure they look for Spina Bifida Occulta and/or Tethered Chord. Both of these can cause the symptoms Grace is having. HUGS from afar my friend. Medical issues are NOT fun. :'-( Especially when our babies are involved.

Kirby said...

I am so happy your camera is working again! You always remind me to .slow.down. and enjoy my little one! I think I forgot to let you know that I "tagged" your blog as one of my favorites a few weeks ago. Praying that your precious girl feels better very, very soon.


MeaganMusing said...

Awesome post! I love it, and your kids are so adorable! I totally agree that it really is so worth it to stay home with them even if it's crazy. Also I spend so much time in workout clothes these days that it's getting sad because I have not worked out one.single.time since Caroline was born. Ugh.
Thanks again for saying hello!

Casa De Luna said...

Your daughter is so cute! I hope she is feels better soon. I have no idea how I am going to juggle everything once I have kids. I can understand why the time flies. I hope you are having a great weekend!