Prayers for a friend...

So, I'm SO hopeful for one of my far-away friends right now that I have to post it! I have one friend that's been through thick-and-thin of pregnancy loss and infertility difficulties with me, and she's currently trying to conceive #2. It's been a long, hard road for them (as infertility always is!), and I'm so hoping their journey is over soon. Within the next few days she'll know one way or the other if this last treatment worked, and my heart is hopeful for her and her family.

So, my far-away-friend, know that I love ya and SO hope you get two nice, big, fat positive lines soon!!!

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Anonymous said...

Anna!! I am so blessed by your friendship! My prayer for both of us is that we would reunite in September and both be expecting - a sort of Mary and Elizabeth reunion. So, for everyone who reads this - please pray that God might allow a miracle for both of us! Thank you!
-the far-away friend (but always close at heart!)

Unknown said...

I'm praying for both of you too.