Operation: Time Change, Day 1

Operation: Time Change
Day 1
0600 hours zulu

In the first night of Operation Time Change, I think Grant was going for a record of just how long his Momma could be awake in the middle of the night. *yawn* I think *I* woke him up, though. :/

His crib alarm went off at 3 am, so I bolted in there to find what I suspected: Grant was sound asleep, just so far at the top of the crib and in such a deep sleep that the monitor wasn't picking him up.

I had to reset the monitor, though, and although I tried to do it as quietly as possible, I think the clicking and the soft beep when it turns on woke him up a little. I went back to bed, heard him make some noise and thought, well, I could just feed him now since I'm already awake. (He usually awakens around 5am to eat). He was almost asleep when I went back into his room at 3:30 or so, and I should have just let him be.

But, I decided to feed him, and then put him back to bed around 3:50. Well, the feeding totally woke him up, and he was *playing* in his crib until 4:45 this morning. He obviously fell dead asleep, though, because right as I was about to go back to sleep at 5 this morning, his alarm went off again. (Which, BTW, is really unusual - his alarm hasn't gone off in at least a month, and then 3 times in one night!)

So, I went back to sleep around 5:15, and he awakened at 6:20 (7:20 to his little body) for the morning.

Needless to say, we're up early and I already have coffee started! For the night I had, I'm really not that tired, thankfully!

Operation: Time Change is for sure underway. I'll let you know how the next mission (read: night) goes. :)

(And, BTW, I don't think I used "zulu" above in the right context - I've just always thought it sounded so cool on military drama shows).

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Unknown said...

: ) All parents have had similar experiences.

Horn herd mom said...

Good luck with the sleep schedule. Personally I think daylight savings time (seriously, exactly how much time are we saving!!) is horrible--especially if you have children.

Unknown said...

:) When you "complete" this mission, be prepared. A new one will always be heading your way ;)
This time changing is WAY crazy for everyone! My clock says 8:30, my body is saying 9:30 almost time for bed. Ahhh but when the alarm goes off at 5:30 AM, I can tell myself I slept until 6:30 :)

Erika said...

Aw man, sounds like were up at about the same time. I was fine most of the day, but it's hitting me now. Must.go.to.bed.

Unknown said...

Yeah, our bodies say bedtime around 8 now! Since we're on EST only four months, why can't we just stay on DST year-round!?