Weekend Re-Wind

So, what a weekend it was!


We had to leave by 11:25 for our luncheon with the search committee and respective families. I had to finish picking the house up, get lunch ready for the in-laws (even though we weren't staying) and get myself ready, all the while keeping Grant and Grace happy. whew! I was showered by 7, which was good because Grant woke up early.

We got everything ready in time, and I even had time to go get my toenails painted! (my sweet indulgence - it's really cheap, actually, at the local nail place!) Saturday was the first time we left Grace for an extended period of time where I knew she'd need a bottle, so I was a little nervous. Matt was so right though, that Grace is such an easy baby that there was nothing really to be nervous about.

So, we left for the lunch and it was so nice to leave with just the 2 of us! Wow did I feel like I was missing something - no diapers/wipes/sippy cups/snacks/changes of clothes to bring!

The lunch went well, and I was dressed appropriately (always worry about that! ) Everyone was really, really nice, and I had a really great time chatting with everyone. There was a girl about my age that I seemed to really "click" with...I could totally see us being friends.

We got home about 3:30, right after Grant had awakened from his nap. And, Matt was right - Grace was *fine*. She took the bottles with no problems, but was definitely ready for *me* by the time we got home. I nursed her and she immediately fell asleep and was *out* for awhile.

But, then Grant got sick Saturday evening. He was sitting on my FIL's lap, and I thought he was just tired, but then I felt Grant and he was *burning up*. His fever was 101.9! Poor guy.

So, I was running on fumes by Sunday morning as Grant was awake a LOT Saturday night - probably 8 times, maybe more, between 11 and 3:30. He did sleep from 3:30 to 6:30 without a problem, though, so that was the most sleep in a row I got that night!

Sunday Morning went really well. I dropped Matt off early and then drove around 1) to keep Grace asleep for a little longer and 2) to find coffee! I did find this cute little locally-owned coffee shop, where this perky and cute highschool aged girl got me my coffee. (It even had a drive through, which is a BIG
in my book!)

Matt did a *fantastic* job meeting everyone and the message was very good - and, overall, I got the feeling that people liked us!

Here's a picture from after church, when my lipstick had worn off and Matt had already taken his tie off! lol.

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