Brotherly Love

A couple of days ago I was loading everyone (and everything!) up in the Durango to go play at Monkey joe's with my sister-in-law and nephew. I put Grace in, and then went back into get my purse. Grace start fussing at being in her carseat, and when I went back out to calm her and put Grant in his carseat, this is how I found Grant! He had opened the Durango door (something I didn't know he could do!) and climbed up, and was talking to Grace! He was saying, "hi, hi, hi! where's your paci? paci for Gracie?" As Grace gets older and more interactive, I just LOVE seeing Grant talk to her and "play" with her.

(I'll enjoy it know until she starts crawling and taking all of his toys, and all of this, "hi, hi, hi Gracie" turns into "my toy!" ;-))

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