Crazy Short Night!

What a crazy short night it was! Grant always seems to know when Matt's gone and decides to freak out over night. He was awake at least 3 times, just crying. I had to just rub his back and stay with him for a few minutes to get him to calm down. And then he woke up at 6 o'clock, saying "out! out!" I was thinking that there was NO way I was starting the day that early. So, I gave him his stuffed duck to get him to lie back down and hug his bumper, which he did, and slept for another hour and a half, thankfully.

And, the baby woke up 2x over night to eat, which is unusual - she's been down to just one feeding around 5am for awhile. So, between the 2, I slept in about hour increments! *yawn*

Off to get more coffee!

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