{my favorite four-year-old}.
He takes a weekly soccer class that he loves.
He loves to kick and run and throw and run some more and then run some more!
{Mommy watch this I'm going to run sooo fast even faster than Coach Ben!}
Today was the last day of the spring session,
and at the end of the class Coach Ben spoke with me.
He recommended Grant move up into the
He recommended Grant move up into the
{invitation only!}
advanced 4 year old soccer class.
Yes, I know it's "just" a 4-year-old soccer class.
But, this is my sweet, sweet four-year-old.
My sweet child who, just five months ago, was lying on the couch complaining his legs hurt.
Who woke up in the morning shuffling like an 80-year-old man.
Who started to refuse to walk his legs hurt him so badly.
In my original post about Grant, I said we were praying that if juvenile rheumatoid arthritis were indeed the diagnosis, the Lord would protect him.
Five months later, he's kicking and throwing and running!
{Willingly, happily, and, apparently, well!}
My momma heart is happy tonight,
and I'm praising our Sovereign Lord for His protection over Grant and His provision for Grant's medical care.
{maybe, someday, even faster than Coach Ben!}.