Showing posts with label Grant and Grace pictures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grant and Grace pictures. Show all posts

Our Favorite Four Year Old

We've had a lot of people telling us that they've been praying for us recently.  And, yes, this gets us all as excited as it does Grace.  We are also extraordinarily humbled that you would go before the throne on behalf of our favorite four year old. 

For the past months we've been dealing with some health issues with Grant.  

Fatigue, leg pain, swollen lymph nodes, random high fevers.

We've been working with a pediatric rheumatologist at Riley Children's Hospital.  
We saw her again today. 

Grant was a bit shy at the doctor's office...

...but my ipod, some special candy, and a green shake later, we all survived the day.

No "official" diagnosis, although the dr. did say that it's really looking like 

We got more blood work done today, with the special "magic" cream on his arms that makes it not hurt 
{as much}.

Apparently we're ruling out some muscle diseases and other freak things...and we'll go back in 2 weeks.  The doctor reassured that she does not think this is a malignancy, although the another CBC that has a normal WBC count will be reassuring. 

because, you know, us moms? we worry.  
you do not want to know the results you get if you google Grant's symptoms

however reassuring, the doctor did mention discussing a bone marrow biopsy in our return visit in 2 weeks,  to completely rule-out scary stuff. we are praying hard for nothing scary.  seriously hard.  I can almost not even write about the scary stuff.  

So, pray hard with me?  The need for a bone marrow biopsy is contingent on today's blood work and his symptoms over the next couple of weeks.

We also have a new medicine, another NSAID. Our biggest issue right now is Grant's level of fatigue...the poor guy is tired, and asking to go to bed, even after sleeping for hours and hours and hours.

{the medical reason is the sedementation rate, which measures inflammation.  his sed rate is high, presumably from the JRA, which makes him exhausted all.the.time.  we'll get his recent sed. rate back tomorrow}.

But, we are thankful that the last medicine he was on was a miracle drug for about a month.  
We had our happy, easy-going, cheerful little boy back!  

We are praying the new med works even better.  
That his four-year-old little body will be free from pain.
And that the Lord would use this in Grant's life, to ultimately draw him to Himself.

Thank-you for praying with us and for us.  
Our hearts ache for our sweet little boy,
and it is humbling and encouraging in so many ways to know your hearts ache with ours.

Thank-you for loving Grant through your prayers.  We are all so, so thankful for them.

Brotherly Love

A couple of days ago I was loading everyone (and everything!) up in the Durango to go play at Monkey joe's with my sister-in-law and nephew. I put Grace in, and then went back into get my purse. Grace start fussing at being in her carseat, and when I went back out to calm her and put Grant in his carseat, this is how I found Grant! He had opened the Durango door (something I didn't know he could do!) and climbed up, and was talking to Grace! He was saying, "hi, hi, hi! where's your paci? paci for Gracie?" As Grace gets older and more interactive, I just LOVE seeing Grant talk to her and "play" with her.

(I'll enjoy it know until she starts crawling and taking all of his toys, and all of this, "hi, hi, hi Gracie" turns into "my toy!" ;-))