
 Growing up, my mother was an oldies fan.
that meant that now, in my {ahem} early thirties,
i know lots of random lyrics.
lyrics like
it was an itsy-bitsy-teeny-weeny-yellow-polka-dot-bikini
that she wore for the first time today.

i've got 
{leaving on a jet plane,
don't know when I'll be back again}.
in my head.

except instead of a vietnam soldier or some ex-boyfriend the song was meant for,
i'm thinking of my about-to-be kindergartener.
{this Kindergarten business?
it kinda feels like he's leaving on a jet plane, right?}

in our household tonight,
all our bags are packed,
he's ready to go.

his lunch is packed,
he's ready to go.

Grant, buddy,
Now the time has come for you to leave,
one more time let me kiss you
i'll dream about the days to come.

This bittersweet stuff?
it's gotta stop.
my momma heart may not take it much more.

but, for now,
i smile at Grant's 5-year-old exuberance,
embrace this Kindergarten stuff,
and trust the Lord all the more,
with this dear, sweet boy of ours
who is about to be one step closer 
to growing up.

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Danna said...

Kindergarten, it is such a magical year. They are so teeny tiny and learn so very much. How did his first day go? How did you and Grace do? Such an exciting {and as the mom, terrifying} time.