Fresh Perspective

I visited the Pediatric Oncology Ward today to visit an old college friend and her 2-year-old son who was just diagnosed with leukemia. Walking onto that floor felt like facing death and tragedy head-on. Seeing thin, pale, bald babies, toddlers, and children was so overwhelming. I had to pause and get myself together before I found their room - I could have easily lost it there in the hallway - it's just too much for a mother's heart to think about your child dealing with such a serious disease! What a short life this is, and what hope we have for an eternity with out pain, suffering, and disease!

I realized, too, that although when I was pregnant I prayed all the time for Grant to be healthy, I haven't really specifically prayed for him to be healthy as a toddler. I pray for his spiritual life daily, I pray that we would make wise decisions as parents, but I've never really prayed that he would remain healthy. But the instant I stepped off the elevator and saw a bald 5-ish-year-old carrying her own IV pole, I started praying that Grant would never have to deal with something like cancer. His health is now for sure on my regular prayer list, along with the health of all of my friends' children.

My heart just hurts for my friend and her son, and I hope they feel the Lord's presence deeply during this ordeal.

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Unknown said...

And Riley is where we see the sickest of the children. : (

Horn herd mom said...

When Nathan had his surgery at 6 months we were on a wing with the really sick kids. It was perhaps the worst thing I've ever experienced. I just said a prayer for your friend!