Early 4th Festivities

The small town near us puts on early 4th festivities every year, and after we heard about the street fair that happens, we decided to check it out. It was so fun! Very quaint and patriotic - booths lined the streets of downtown - games for the kids were out, bounce houses, live music, and - the best! - we got our first elephant ear of the summer!

I personally like funnel cakes better, but I'm not going to complain about the elephant ear! (For those of you wondering, yes, I'm still dieting, but took today off! ) Pictures to come of the elephant ear!

We had the best seats in the house, too, for the fireworks this evening - our back patio! Put Grant to bed, and a couple of hours later, sat outside on the patio watching fireworks. Our neighbor came over and we had a nice chat with him during the fireworks, which were actually a pretty good show for just a small town deal.

It felt like summer, today - elephant ears, pulled pork sandwiches, and small-town fireworks - gotta love life in the Midwest!

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