Showing posts with label Gracie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gracie. Show all posts

2 year olds.

This girl?
She's kinda been keeping me hopping recently.

Just today I've vacuumed up glitter, swept up parmesan cheese, 
and wiped her down from a mascara incident.

I love it.
I love her spunk. Her determination. Her insistance.

 I love her detailed-nature.
She sleeps with about a dozen different animals/action figures in her bed.
and she knows

I quietly set her in her bed tonight as she was halfway asleep in my arms.  
Snuggling into her blankie she whispered "guy guy downstairs".

Yes, my baby girl.  One of your 12-membered-possee that you sleep with is downstairs.
Momma will get it you dear thing.

As she corrals her cast of characters into their correct sleeping position in her crib, 
tonight I prayed over her that we can channel her spunk 
and fire-cracker-nature into a zeal for the Lord.  

That her determination will translate into determination to always, always, always do.the.right.thing.

That her detailed-nature will make her examine her faith and be built up,
strongly rooted in Him.
That her outgoing self will learn to love others as Christ has loved us first.

Grace Abigail,we love you.
So much, baby girl. So much.

please stop arranging your possee in your crib and
go to sleep.