Showing posts with label Father's Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Father's Day. Show all posts

Father's Day

I got sick Saturday night.
sick as in,
 go to bed at 7:00 Saturday night 
 and don't get up until 2 Sunday afternoon.

of course, I got sick on a Saturday night.
of course, I got sick on Father's Day.
I mumbled a "happy father's day" to my loving husband as he brought me some orange juice and more advil.
and then proceeded to take care of, feed, play with, and occupy our kids all day long.
and, honestly?
he's pretty wiped out usually after Sunday mornings -
so, he took care of the kids all day, including his usual Sunday stuff.

he's a rockstar dad, right?

When I awoke with a 102* fever,
gone were my plans for balloons and streamers,
cake and icecream.

But you know what?
the day proved just a testament to what a father my husband truly is.

When we needed him to, 
he did what he does best -
he stepped up, 
took charge,
and loved us well.

your loyalty and love to our family has been tested 
and proven over and over and over again.

for being the kind of get-on-the-floor, 
dart-guns-till-we-collapse kinda dad.

thank-you -
for your steady, calm confidence in the face of anything,
and for pointing our kids to their Ultimate Father.
they love you lots.
i love you lots.

and, I promise to have a do-over on the balloons and streamers part of father's day soon.