oh, the {outrage}

my social media is full of outrage at the moment.
one side this,
one side that.
{and the sides are so strong!}
before I had even had a couple cups of coffee this morning I had already had conversations about it.

my bff and I have been discussing this whole homosexual issue for the past several months. 
{in about 4.3 minute conversation snips between naps, school, potty breaks, and sibling rivalries}
we think the question comes down to, 
how do you take a stand for Biblical truth, yet love well?
 i don't think there's an entirely one-answer-fits-all solution,
and i don't want to attempt to find that solution or write about it,
because seriously,  there's been a lot written recently. 

what I do want to say is that i'm just 
{tired of the outrage},
because the outrage, from either side, is so one-topic.

i understand that you may have a passion for something, 
even if it's just, say, horsebackriding,
and you may talk more about it.
but as a Bible-believing follower of Christ,
I'd like to say this:

if you're going to be outraged over same-sex marriages,
please be equally as outraged over orphans around the world.
don't choose to ignore the fact that there are children starving,
and children that have no families,
children that are sold in sex slavery.
children that have no on that knows their favorite bedtime story,
their favorite breakfast food,
the blanket that comforts them when they're sad,
the silly song that helps them not be afraid of the dark.

so glad Miles doesn't wear the title ORPHAN anymore

{be as equally outraged}.

if you're going to post politically-charged stuff on social media,
please be equally as passionate about every other area of sin.
don't overlook your complaining about the grocery store clerk's slowness.
the bad service you got at Starbucks.
the traffic on the way to work.
the way you rolled your eyes behind your spouse's back.
the way you were critical of your boss.
the flirtation with a co-worker.
your indifference to your lost, hell-bound neighbors.

{be as equally outraged}.

which organization you choose to support is your own personal decision,
just don't pick and choose Biblical truth to get more upset about than others.

Fight for what you believe in, 
but one is not worse than another.

Ezekial lists the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah, 
a city well-known for its complete moral bankruptcy and quoted often for their sexual sins.

What's Ezekial 16 say?

"‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: 
She and her daughters were arrogant, 
overfed and unconcerned;
 they did not help the poor and needy."

 {one sin is not worse than others}.

i wish we could tranform the energy we're spending on social media debates 
and actually go into this world and do some good - however the Lord may lead.

i doubt anyone has ever converted to Faith by a social media post.
so, let's love better. 
meet our neighbors! be more patient with the grovery store clerks 
or the pizza employee that gets our order wrong.
help feed the hungry in your own area,
become a foster family,
or a Safe Families family.

all this energy AGAINST something.
i wish we could take a stand for truth at the same time loving better FOR something.
FOR the sake of Christ.
FOR the sake of people who don't know Him. 

let's be equally outraged.
let's take our outrage,
use that energy to
{to love better}.

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Sheila said...

Yes! Yes! Yes!!!

Shannon Dingle said...

Amen, my friend. Amen.

Melissa said...

Beautiful words that echo so many of my thoughts.

Melissa said...

Beautiful words that echo so many of my thoughts.

Unknown said...

YES! Spot on. I can not love this enough <3

Anonymous said...

I truly believe this entire article. I gave birth to 3 boys and 3 girls ,fostered 15 and adopted 2And would still be doing it but I am now 82 and not able but I loved them all.

Robyn said...

Totally my day too!!! My rant was about race but yes, it all comes down to loving well.

So giddy to see your family is all together!

Jessica Whitman-Horton said...

Love love love this Anna! Seriously love your heart!! Xo!!

Anonymous said...

What are your thoughts on a homosexual couple adopting the orphaned children?