
it happened to me again this year.

try as i might,
it hasn't really felt like Christmas.

twinkly white lights along our fireplace,
the Christmas present shopping,
the evergreen scent in our sunroom.
they've helped.

but it hasn't really, truly felt like Christmas to me.

but, once again,
at a simple, sweet preschool Christmas program,
it happened.
the Christmas spirit captured my heart,
and i {not-so-successfully} blinked back tears
as sweet three-and-four-year-olds sang.

the innocence of the Little Ones in our lives singing about the Christ Child
focused my heart. my vision was tunneled to the Baby in the Manger, and all the periphereal holiday stuff, that although fun, sometimes clutters up our Season, was out of sight.

this is the reason for the Season.  
i worship the Baby in the Manger turned Man on the Cross.

in that church sanctuary on a normal-turned-magical Tuesday evening,
my heart sang along with the preschoolers' and, all-of-a-sudden,
it felt like Christmas.

shout, sing, worship the King.
Jesus is Born and 
{He's Such Good News.}

yes, yes, yes.
He is



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