Sunday Evening


I'm all hot and sweaty after a good run - I'm still ridiculously slow, but, hey, I'm faster than if I were sitting on the couch, right? I did 3.3 miles in 35 minutes. whew! I can definitely tell I'm getting my groove back, though, post-Gracie - doing 30 minutes of running is fairly easy, instead of having to kill myself step-after-step to reach 30 minutes!

Off to get in the shower before Grace wakes up to start her night time feeding jig!

Answered Prayers


Recent favorites...


I just LOVE this one of Grant

Tuesday Evening


I'm showered and clean after a good, easy run of 2.5 miles - and, I cannot believe that I think 2.5 miles is "easy". But, it truly was tonight - I felt like I just went out, cranked out 30 minutes of running (yes, if you do the math, you'll see that I'm ridiculously slow...but, it's okay, I'm running!), and came back in!

So, now I'm showered and getting settled in for my evening nursing marathon session with Miss Grace. She goes about 4 hours during the day, but starting at about 7 she eats on and off for a couple of hours. Cluster feeding to the T! I don't mind, though-it gives me lots and lots of snuggles with her and gives me an excuse to sit on the couch all evening and watch reality TV. America's Got Talent, here i come! ;-)

Up Early...


Up Early this morning, enjoying a rich cup of coffee with half-and-half. Gracie's still asleep, and Grant is eating toast and raisins (his choice!) in his high chair. Hopefully a good start to the weekend!


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Sugar Cookies!


So, these are the sugar cookies that our favorites so far! They're super good, and relatively easy. They stay very fluffy, and are just excellent!

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