Monday Night

I have changed into my hospital gown (I sleep in the gown, but change into my real clothes during the day - it helps me feel more human, if that makes sense), have fresh blankets and have dimmed my lights, but I hesitate trying to go to sleep.

Because, I think this ICU floor senses when I try to sleep. Seriously! Late this afternoon I tried to take a nap - my vitals had been drawn, my IV was functioning, no tests were ordered - so I thought it would be a perfect chance to actually sleep.

The ICU anti-sleep monsters came out again! The janitorial staff picked that.exact.time to WAX the floor outside my room. After about 15 minutes of napping I awoke to "vrrr...vRRRRR..vrrr..."!

The largest chunk of uniterrupted sleep I've had was last night from 12-3. 3 hours! The nurse tried to joke with me that it was preparing me for a newborn, but at 3 in the morning, my sense of humor isn't that much - I need sleep!

I guess that's enough complaining for me. Off to bed!

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