more practice with the nikon

The Birthday Beauty

Why Grant's congested {again}

We have a weekly neighborhood playgroup (just like, 5 SAHM's and their kids) and one mom brought her SICK girls. When I saw snot bubbles blowing out of the 8-month-old's nose (literally!) I should've been more vigilant about washing Grant's hands. ALL the rest of our kiddos have the same congestion/runny nose/cough now. oh, well, what can you do?

BB in a bit to catch up!

Happy Monday!

So, I haven't blogged in awhile! Just wanted to pop in and say hi. :)

Off to pick up the kitchen and living room while Grace is napping. Poor Grant is congested {again} and chilling with Sesame Street.

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This is usually the reaction I get when Grant sees the camera come out:

So when we were outside this morning I took some {okay, 216} pictures. I caught a few cute ones.

Today's Favorites

I've been trying {like a crazy woman} to learn how to use our nice DSLR camera. Aperture. Shutter speed. ISO. Exposure. that's what I'm reading about.

all to try to get a decent picture of my Baby Girl and Toddler Boy

{if he'll let me!}

I think my heart just broke a little..

One of my friends from my college days adopted a baby boy from Africa last fall. he's just squeezable and loveable and the cutest thing ever! They had 4 girls 6 and under, so with the little boy they have a house full of love for sure now!

I was reading on her blog, and she was mentioning how he was transitioning - which is, by His Grace, just fabulously. One victory they've had recently was that he stopped screaming when lunchtime/snacktime/dinnertime was over.

he was screaming because he thought there would be no more food.

The sweet little boy was worried about food. he had been used to being hungry.

My heart broke a little, thinking of the 13 months that baby boy spent in Africa, waiting his family. Thankful is not a strong enough word to describe how glad I am
he's now with his family, who have much love to give, and how glad I am that he'll hopefully never have to worry about being hungry again.

a picture of 3 of their sweet kiddos, including their precious Clayton.

a Showing!!!

We have our first house showing from being back on the market tomorrow afternoon! Cleaning cleaning cleaning today! At least we got plenty of warning so the house can be as perfect and as staged as possible!

Praying that the first buyer would be *the* buyer!

asleep unswaddled again for her morning nap! too sweet!

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She's Eating!

I was beginning to think that Grace would be the only baby at her first birthday party to *not* like the cake. She's just been SO much slower at eating solids than Grant was - and Grant didn't even start solids until about 7 months, and didn't really increase his solids intake until about 9 months. Well, Gracie's 10 1/2 months, and is finally starting to eat some solid foods! She LOVES yogurt. loves it. She ate an entire container of the YoBaby organic vanilla yogurt last night. (4 oz!) She'll also tolerate oatmeal. not enjoy it, lunging for the spoon like she does the yogurt, but she'll at least swallow the oatmeal and not gag on it like she used to.

The Baby Girl is growing up!

Chair Outtakes

Here are the "outtakes" as we tried to take her birthday picture in her chair. :D

What's this? another picture session? really?

ooh, does my dress have a ribbon on it?

ooh, I think it looks yummy!

Oooh, is it edible?

yummy ribbon!

What are you looking at?

You caught me! :D

And, lastly, "get out of my chair, brother!"

10 Months!

Grace was 10 months old on February 18!

Ever, Only, All for Thee

A song that's been on my mind recently...

Take my life and let it be
consecrated, Lord, to Thee;
Take my hands and let them move
At the impulse of Thy Love.

Take my feet and let them be
Swift and Beautiful for Thee;
Take my voice and let me sing,
Always, only for my King.

Take my lips and let them be
Filled with messages from Thee;
Take my silver and my gold
Not a mite would I withhold

Take my moments and my days,
Let them flow in endless praise

Take my will and make it Thine,
It shall be no longer mine,
Take my heart, it is Thine own,
It shall be thy royal thrown.

Take my love, my Lord, I pour
At Thy feet its treasure store
Take myself and I will be
Ever, only, all for thee.

ever, only, all for thee.

I love it!

Grant picked up my old cell phone from his toy basket, and said:

"hello. hi. these are my toys. gracie's toys. go through the durango bath. oh- batteries are dead. okay. bye." and closed the phone!

he came in to me and said "I was just talking to daddy".

(the "durango bath" is the car wash).

I love it! he's just getting into pretend play, and it's adorable!

I love it!

Grant picked up my old cell phone from his toy basket, and said:
"hello. hi. these are my toys. gracie's toys. go through the durango bath. oh- batteries are dead. okay. bye." and closed the phone!

he came in and said "I was just talking to daddy" to me.

(the "durango bath" is the car wash).

I love it! he's just getting into pretend play,and it's adorable!


Grant had his 3 year old WCC at 3 o'clock today so I had to put him down for an early nap. We had playgroup at Nadine's this morning and Gracie didn't nap! I tried to put her down there but she just didn't fall asleep. weird. So, by 12:15 we were home and both kiddos were down! Well, it might have been 12:30 by the time I got Grace fed and in bed.

so, of course, the one day they're both sleeping well and probably would have slept another hour or so I had to wake them up!

Grant was SO good at the dr's, though - I was worried that he'd freak out, but he was just this happy little boy who let the dr. listen to him and examine him. When Dr. Roscoe and I were talking, Grant was just standing in the corner and all of a sudden Grant burst out with "I watch Christmas Monkey!" lol. Grant even raised his arms over his head like the one dance they do on the Christmas Monkey special.

I wore Gracie in the sling, and it was SO NICE to not be lugging the carseat around! I wore her tummy-to-tummy, with her legs out of the sling around me; it was cute, and I loved having her that close to me.

Talked with Dr. Roscoe about her eczema, and he said it sounds like an allergy issue, not a dermatology issue. So, we have one more Rx ointment to try, but we'll probably do the allergy testing at her 9 month WCC. :(

We picked up CFA for supper and came home. Matt was home early, too, so it was a nice evening.

a boy funny

When Matt got home last night he was asking Grant about the dr's appointment (Grant had his 3 year old WCC yesterday), and the very fiRST thing Grant said was "he looked at penis!" I just burst out laughing and had to turn my head, and Matt's eyes got big and said "really?" All the dr. did was slighly pull the underwear back to make sure the "boy parts" looked okay, but it must have made an impression on Grant! Ah, the mom of a boy!

Sweet Birthday Boy

My favorite baby boy is 3! I am just in awe that it was 3 years ago that we brought this 6 pound baby home from the hospital. We spent many nights vacuuming his room or swinging him almost 180* in his carseat to keep him asleep...and now he's a lovable, chatty, smart, funny, yogurt-crazy, farm-equipment-loving toddler boy. He just melts my heart, and I love, love, LOVE having a toddler boy.

Happy Birthday, Sweet Grant.

The cake:

Getting SO excited as we sang!

Bring that cake closer!

Blowing hard!

Serious about this cake business!

I'm 3!!!!!!!!!!!

Figuring out the presents!

And, wow! a present!!!!!

So in love with the big, new, *working* clauss combine!

and, my sweet Grant Owen, a miracle baby boy, whom I never thought would be possible and has forever made me slightly nostalgic about Target restrooms! :)

New Year's Resolutions

I read an interesting article talking about the science behind resolutions...

It said according to a 2002 study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, people who made New Year's Resolutions had higher rates of success at making the desired behavior change (losing weight, exercising more and quitting smoking being the most prevalent) than people who did not make resolutions. After six months, 46 percent of the resolution makers were successful compared to just 4 percent of the people who did not make resolutions.

So, I think I better get my resolutions written down, huh?