Hamburgers! Tacos! Steak!

So, after being semi-vegetarian for almost 6 months, the baby has decided that it needs BEEF! After we left the hospital Monday night and I felt SO GOOD after all the meds I had in me, we decided to order take-out. Well, the only thing that sounded good was Texas Roadhouse! So, though I cringed when I ordered my steak, let me tell you how GOOD it was! My goodness that steak was excellent! I still feel badly for that poor cow, but what can you do when the baby wants beef?

9w6d pregnant...

...and still sick! Hence the lack of blogging. I *think* we're closer to figuring out a protocol that will help, so hopefully soon I can function again!

9 weeks pregnant and...


Gobble, gobble, gobble!

Nope, not a turkey post - "gobble" is the word Grant calls his vitamins!

If he sees his vitamins on the counter, he'll start saying "gobble gobble gobble" and pointing at them!

Sparkly Helmets!

I'm sure it's because my brain cells are slowly atrophying after weeks of barfing my brains out, but I think that Ohio State's helmets are so neat! They're silver, and they SPARKLE! How cool is that? Matt is not so impressed with my fascination!

I support Animal Rights!

Yes on Prop 2

Preposition Confusion!

Sweet Grant is gaining more words almost daily, which I just love, but he's getting his prepositions a tad confused. It's so cute, though! He says "down" for up - as in, he'll stand by me, holding his arms up, saying "down, down". :) I'll say "you mean UP" and he'll grin at me like "oh, yeah, UP!". When he awakes in the morning I'll hear "momma! off! off! momma!!" I'll go into his room and say "do you mean DOWN?" and he'll grin and say "down". :) He says "out" for "down" and "up" for "out". :) He'll get it one of these days!! We can figure it at least. :) I just love hearing him talk!!

Date Night!

Popcorn, caffeine-free Diet Coke, sweats, and a good movie with a great husband! Couldn't ask for a better Saturday night!

New Pictures

A couple new pictures of Grant - at 21 months old!!!


Such a wild talent!

At Home At Last!

So, after 4 days of traveling, we're back at home! We drove 2 days down to Texas, visited with my grandmother, introduced her to Grant, and drove 2 days home. My mom rode down with us, and she was shocked that Grant doesn't sleep in the car. We've been telling people this for almost 21 months now, but she said she thought he'd at least take cat naps. For the entire first 3 days of travel, he did not close his eyes ONCE! When we were just outside of Terre Haute today, he finally fell asleep for about 45 minutes. So, we have a very overly-tired toddler! We're all glad to be home, and Grant is loving seeing his toys again!!!

Grant's new word

Grant's new word is "bapple" for "apple". It's SO cute to hear him say it!! If you give him an apple slice he'll just look at you, very confidently shake his head and say "bapple".


I thought he actually *ate* his carrots, until I got him out of his chair.

Food on Floor

If Grant's going to throw food on the floor, I wish it would at least be food that Lizzie would eat!


Posted in honor of my cookie-loving husband!


Chocolate Pudding!

Popcorn or Icecream?

That's been a main question around here during this Olympic-party of ours!

It's a party!

The Olympics feel like a party around the Walker household! We're staying up late, eating popcorn, drinking coke, lounging around until midnight! It's a fun 2 weeks!! But, it's wearing us out! We're t-i-r-e-d!

Michael Phelps just won the 200m IM. He is a freak of nature!! My goodness it's amazing to watch him!!

Dinner Tonight!

On the menu for dinner tonight:

semi-homemade Whole wheat bread
honey baked chicken
parmesan zucchini crispers
brown and wild rice blend

With coffee from our favorite new Keurig machine and homemade icecream (my dad's!) for dessert!

Off to get it all started!

So Sharp!

I just LOVE the Olympics women's gymnastic team's uniforms! They're so fabulous! The shimmery red is so neat, and the sparkly star on the side - so cool!! I would have LOVED that uniform as a teenage girl! My mom said it would be a neat swimsuit, and I totally agree. I've always liked sparkly stuff, and their uniform is just the best!