See Anna Run!

I just got off the treadmill! Photobucket I did .85 miles, stopped, felt pretty good, so kept going and did 2 more!

Matt wonderfully surprised me with a "bluepod" and the Nike Sport Kit for christmas, and I LOVE IT! I can upload the info to Nike's website, and it gives me a chart of my runs - here's my latest - neat, huh?

Go Grant! Goo Mommy!

I forgot to post a couple of weeks ago:


Grant and I had a rather rocky first 2 weeks of breastfeeding, due to my inexperience and a nurse in the hospital who got us off to the wrong foot. But, thanks in part to online breastfeeding support, my local Lactation Consultant, the miracle drug Reglan,pumping around the clock for 2 weeks, and a wonderfully supportive husband, I am proud to say that we made it to the one-year breastfeeding mark! No supplementing beyond those first 2 tumultuous weeks - after that, he had purely momma milk! (Not that anything's wrong with formula-feeding for anyone that's reading this - the important thing is a happy and healthy, well-fed baby, regardless!)

So, GOOO Grant Go! Goo Mommy Goo!! Around-the-clock feedings have definitely worn me out for over a year, but it's so worth it to be able to feed our precious baby boy! (and the extra calories burnt isn't bad )

I anticipate weaning over the next couple of months - Grant's already weaned himself to about 3 feedings a day. (and one in the middle of the night, of course!) We tried to go cold-turkey weaning a week ago, and neither of us were ready for that! yikes! For now, I'm happy to still be nursing, although the 2 am feeding could definitely be dropped!

Good with Frosting

So, I decided to make some cookies this afternoon, but in our quest for healthier lifestyles, tried this recipe for Whole-Wheat Oatmeal Cookies. They're just *okay* - next time I should just forego the healthy-ness and go for real cookies! That's what i really wanted!

Matt's first comment on the slightly-bland oatmeal cookies? "They'd be good dipped in frosting."

So Much Better!

Whew - I just took a 20-minute power nap while Grant was asleep, and I feel SO MUCH BETTER! The house needs an overhaul, but I had to lay down or I wasn't going to get anything done. So, 20 minutes later, I have a cup of hot tea, Chris Botti's Italia playing, and a refreshed zeal to tackle the house!

What happened to the house, you ask? Well, Grant's closet needed organizing - it's a walk-in, which is great, but desperately needed going through. It's one of those projects that seems simple but 20-steps and 2 hours later is an enormous issue. I have piles* to store, piles to take to GoodWill, piles to sell, piles to fold, piles to hang! So, off I go!

*And, just for those in my life who are savers, not giver-away-ers, I've kept virtually every article of clothing that Grant has, so never fear!

Farm Stand Salsa

Our first small group meeting was tonight, so of course we had to have snacks! I made homemade salsa and guacamole, and just had to share this salsa recipe! It's fabulous! You could eat it as a side dish, with chips like salsa, or toss it over a green salad with some grilled chicken as an entree!

I haven't figured out what the Weight Watcher points would be, but it's got to be pretty low. I used canned corn and added black beans!

From the Food Network's Tyler Florence:

Farm Stand Salsa

2 ears fresh, sweet corn, cut off the cob
1/2 medium red onion, diced
2 green onions, white and green parts, chopped
1 1/2 pints cherry tomatoes, halved
1 avocado, halved, pitted, peeled, and chopped in chunks
1 jalapeno, sliced
1/4 bunch fresh cilantro, leaves chopped
1 lemon, juiced
1 lime, juiced
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

Combine all ingredients in a large mixing bowl, tossing to coat.


I'm not sure what is going on, but the older I get the more prone I've become to getting carsick. yuck! We came home from my mother's birthday party this evening, and in only the hour and 15 minute car ride I was extremely car sick by the end, and even got sick as soon as I walked in the door.

Fortunately (unfortunately?), I was so sick for so many months in my pregnancy that my wonderful husband is completely non-phased by puke. He simply handed me some water and cleaned out the sink for me, very matter-of-factly. Poor guy has seen more puke than a husband should!

I think I need some Dramamine before we travel again!

What Love!

This is how much my DH loves me - he not only tolerates, but willingly helps in my painting projects. Our master bedroom and bath are one of the last rooms to be painted in our house, and we're having trouble deciding what shade to do the bath. So - the samples. And, no, neither of these will be the final shade!

Matt and Grant

Too cute!

Muscled-Up Meatballs and More...

I'm always looking for ways to get some protein into Grant, but am often grabbing food as he's hungry right.this.second! So, I made a double batch of Muscle-Upped Meatballs this afternoon! Lean beef, veggies, some spices = good stuff for Grant! :)

We (read: Matt) installed the mother of all carseats this weekend - the Britax Boulevard. It's a beast of a carseat, but it's SO stable and sturdy! And, Grant can stay rear-facing, which is much safer, for at least another 6 months!

But, since he just moved out of his infant seat, today was our first shopping trip to Target where he actually rode in the seat part of the cart! I was a little nervous on my way, wondering how it'd go. After a year of having a baby and settling into such a comfortable routine, I felt like a brand-new parent all-over again trying to figure out how to shuffle Grant from the carseat to the store.

Never fear, though, it all worked out and Grant LOVED riding in the cart. I had to not stop quickly, though, or he'd kind of wobble! :)

Matt brought home Panera tonight for supper, so I'm off to clean up the kitchen and warm the soup up!

Birth Story

I wrote this birth story about 2 weeks after we had's fun now to look back and read it, when the memory of his birth was so fresh in my heart. I thought I'd share it with you.

Grant Owen
Born on January 10th, 2007, at 36 1/2 weeks
7 lbs, 1 oz

There are memories in every person’s life that are so deeply ingrained into her memory that she can still sense that long-ago moment vividly, as though that one moment in life has been frozen forever in time. We all have those memories where we can still hear the song the radio was playing, still smell the cologne of a loved one, and still sense the emotions surrounding us.

One of those frozen-forever memories for me was a sunny summer day last June – the 1st, to be exact. I was in Indiana, visiting my family to celebrate my mom’s retirement from 30 years of full-time teaching. I had eaten lunch with my sister-in-law that day, and driving home, I had the passing thought that my cycle was about a week late. After almost 3 years of dealing with infertility, I passed the thought off, rationalizing it with just the fact that my body was, once again, just messed up.

On the way home from lunch, however, something – and for the life of me, I can’t figure out what – made me stop at Target and buy a pregnancy test. And, yes, I peed on a stick right there in the Target bathroom. I can still remember holding up the stick and seeing the blue “+” appear even before the control line appeared. And, even after almost 3 years of obsessively P’ing OAS, I dug the directions out of the trash in the restroom because I thought I was reading the stick incorrectly! Sure enough, I had gotten my first positive in 2 years!

My brain suddenly stopped working…all I could think was that I had to get a hold of Matt, who, due to work, had stayed in Iowa while I was in Indiana. I thought I didn’t have my cell phone with me, so I tried calling Matt collect. After a comedy of errors of trying to connect with him, and thoroughly freaking him out (why would I be calling collect?), I realized that my cell phone was in the car. So, I can remember walking through the doors of Target and Matt asking me if I was okay. I can distinctly remember telling him those words I had so longed to say: “I’m pregnant.” He was shocked. SHOCKED. We had been told that we had a less than 4% chance of conceiving on our own, and had even discussed doing IVF.

So, that small little “+” sign on that stick changed the course of our lives.

For the next 4 months I became incessantly sick with “all-day” sickness, even being hospitalized due to dehydration (hyperemesis). On September 19th we found out we were having a little boy and were absolutely ecstatic.

The second and beginning of the third trimester were pretty uneventful, and I felt great! Then, mid November, we moved from Iowa to Indiana. Physically and emotionally it was hard to move at 32 weeks pregnant, but we survived.

Then, in early December, I started swelling. And I mean swelling – I looked like the Michelin woman! My blood pressure started increasing, and I started spilling protein in my urine. Matt and I spent Christmas Eve in labor and delivery and I was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia. My OB was aware the pre-e can turn serious (and, actually, my own mom had pre-e with me and was within minutes of seizing because no doctor caught the symptoms), and told me that we would just try to make the pregnancy last as long as possible. I was put on semi-bed-rest, and Mattt, a First Responder on the Fire Department, took my blood pressure about 30 times a day.

Then, Tuesday, January 9th, I awoke and just did not feel well. Matt had a breakfast meeting with a friend that lasted all morning, and I was on the couch the whole time. My head was killing me, and I just knew that something wasn’t right. When he came home and saw how I looked, he immediately told me to call the OB. I did and she wanted to see me. When her nurse took my blood pressure, her eyebrows raised, and she went to get another blood pressure cuff. Sure enough, the reading was right – 160/110. The protein in my urine was off the chart and Matt and I wondered what would happen. I was laying on the examining table when the OB came in, patted me on the back and said, “it’s time. It’s just time.” She sent us over to L & D to start the induction process. Matt and I were a little shell-shocked - I can remember hugging him in the elevator as we rode up to L & D and telling him that the next time we left the hospital, we would be 3. The nurse inserted Cervidel, a gel to ripen my cervix, hoping to get it softer for the induction process. We were expecting a 2, maybe 3 day process before Baby would make an appearance.

They told me to enjoy a good meal Tuesday night, as it might be my last, so DH went all out. He got my favorite Mexican food, my favorite pastry from Panera, and my favorite icecream from Cold Stone. We propped everything up on my hospital tray, eating together with the anticipation of our first child’s birth upon us.

The next morning, January 10th, Matt went home to get a few more things and to catch a nap after a fitful night of rest in the hospital. Then, around 9:30 on January 10th, suddenly my hospital room became invaded with nurses. An oxygen mask was slapped on me, a nurse did a rough internal exam to try to stimulate baby’s head, people were pressing on my very pregnant stomach, trying to stimulate the baby. Apparently his heart rate had fallen to a scary level and was very slow in coming back up. An anesthesiologist came into my room, telling me all about a spinal block and having me sign papers. And then a nurse told me something that made me realize it was serious – she said “Get your husband here now.” Scared and feeling alone, I called Matt, talking through the oxygen mask and said, “you need to come. now.” Apparently he broke land-speed records getting back to the hospital, where a pair of scrubs was tossed at him. My OB had arrived and made the definitive decision to do the emergency c-section, because baby was just not doing well. I was quickly taken to the OR, and after only about 15 minutes, Grant Owen made his appearance into the world!

Matt and I were immediately in love with him, and he’s a very mellow, content little baby. Who knew that one little blue plus sign could change your life so much?

Isaiah 25:1
"O LORD , you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things, things planned long ago."

Happy Birthday, Grant!

Happy First Birthday, Baby Boy!

One year ago...

My Last Picture Pregnant...and swollen!

In the operating room...

Meeting Grant for the first time:

Our first family photo:

And, at his birthday party:

The cake (which is essentially the first cake I've ever made - white cake with buttercream frosting and fondant decorations!):

Grant sitting in his high chair, getting ready for cake! Do you see him holding the balloon? He LOVED it, and would NOT let go!

Trying cake with one finger:

Mmm - gotta use the fist for this stuff!

Getting ready for presents!

Gotta brace myself for these gifts!

Tissue paper!

It was a wonderful, wonderful birthday party with all of our family and friends. It was just so special for me to have our parents and closest friends here at our house, helping us celebrate this sweet little boy for whom we prayed for so long.

It's 1:45 in the morning...

and, I'm obviously up!

I went to bed at 11, and Grant woke me up at 11:45 - he wasn't crying, just kind of awake and talking. He started fussing, so I went in and nursed him and he ate and ate and ate and ate. He went back to sleep fairly quickly.

But, at around 12:30 (I had only been asleep about 20 minutes) he woke up crying. He wasn't really crying crying, just fussing, so I left him be. Well, by 1 I could tell he wasn't going to go to sleep, so I gave him some Tylenol and teething tablets. He FREAKED OUT when I left the room, so my only other thought was that he was still hungry (he eagerly opened his mouth for the Tylenol and wanted more!)

So, I got a sippy of milk and a yogurt, came back up stairs, and he drank about 1/2 of the sippy cup just straight down! He's NEVER done that for me before. Never. And then, I fed him the whole thing of yogurt! Him sitting in his crib, at 1:15 in the morning! He wouldn't let me take the sippy away, so I dumped the milk out, put water in it, and gave it back to him. (Is that okay for him to have a sippy of water? I figured better than milk).

so, now, he's in there playing with the sippy - shaking it, talking to it, and occasionally fussing.

It's TWO IN THE MORNING. This is nuts! Go to sleep, baby!

No More MOPS!

So, a friend of mine told me about this MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) program at a local church around here. It's an international program that has local chapters, geared towards supporting SAHM's. Well, I've gone a handful of times, and I've just decided to not go back. I just don't like it! Part of the deal is that for some weird reason the majority of the women are like, 10 years older than I am and have elementary-aged children. I don't have any problems making friends with women not in my age or stage of life - but I cannot make friends if they're not FRIENDLY! Argh!

All the times I've literally just stood around, feeling like a dork, with no one talking to me. Then, when I sit down at the table for the "group" I'm assigned to, all of the women that know each other have sat there talking, essentially ignoring me. And, I'm a fairly outgoing person, so I tried to start a conversation with some of them. They politely answered my questions and then moved on. Not ONE person came over to say hi to me any of the times I went.

So, it's just not worth going back. I've gone to the Tuesday morning meetings, and I've heard that the Friday morning meetings are larger. I might try out the Friday morning session, but then I'm just done! :/ I just wanted to meet some other moms in our area - why is that so hard? :/


Well, it's 7:30 in the morning here, and I was only up one time last night! That's definitely a success over previous nights!

We are so tired!

Grant was up from basically 2-4 this morning, crying on and off. He'd be quiet for 10 minutes, and just when I would doze back to sleep, he'd cry. I fed him, changed him, rocked, walked, shushed, nothing was helping. At 4:15 Matt got up and took over - I was nearing my limit! (A medicine I'm taking has a side effect of insomnia, and I didn't fall asleep until 12:45!) Matt rocked him back to sleep finally (and we think the Tylenol had started to help by then), so we got 2 more hours of sleep before he woke up for the day at 6:45.! Even when Grant was littler we had few nights like that one. Here's to hoping he sleeps better tonight!

I love My Bumper!

That's what Grant would say, if he could talk! :) The kid LOVES the bumper in his bed -loves, loves, loves! He *will not* sleep with out it! In fact, on long car rides, to get him to sleep in his carseat, we have to give him part of the bumper, with the rest of the bumper trailing off onto the seat next to him!

On so many occasions I'll see him stir in his sleep, and he'll reach his arm out, feeling for the bumper, then pull himself close to it when he finds it. Some kids have blankies, Grant has a bumper!

A Day in the Life of a Baby

So, Grant was 11 months old yesterday, and it's his last month before toddlerhood! The past year has gone SO FAST! One year ago we were finalizing our decision on houses, living with all of our parents, and visiting my OB seemingly every-other-day dealing with pre-eclampsia!

Fast-forward to 11 months later, and this is what a day in our life looks like:

6:30 - 7am: Grant wakes up and nurses

7-8am: Grant plays while I make coffee!

8am: Breakfast for Grant! Usually oatmeal or fruit, or both

9 - 10:30ish: nap! I pick up the house or take a shower. Nurse when he wakes up.

11: Lunchtime for Grant! I usually do fruit and a veggie for lunch, and them some finger foods - right now he loves graham cracker sticks!!

By 12:30 he's down for his afternoon nap, and is almost always asleep before 1.

1-3ish: afternoon nap! Nurse when he wakes up from this nap

3-4: Grant plays.

4pm: Suppertime for Grant! I try to do 2 different veggies and a protein source for supper

5:00ish: Start getting ready for bed and entertain him as he gets more and more tired. Nurse one last time, if he's still hungry.

By 5:45, he's in bed! Usually asleep by 6:15 or so.

Then he sleeps straight until about 4-5am, where he wakes up and eats. Then he goes back to sleep until about 7am, and we start it all over again! :)

So, that's what my day looks like! I wish I had been writing this down once/month for his whole life - it would be interesting to look back and see what we were doing at 3 months old, etc.

Political Woes...

Will the real Republican Party please stand up?

I am so tired of? confused? frustrated? - you can fill in the blank- with the current GOP that I truly cannot understand what has been going on in the White House. I can remember in my high school gov't class learning that, in general, the Republican party equaled smaller government, lower taxes, less governmental control and fiscal responsibility.

Well, in 2001 we had a Republican president and a Republican controlled congress. They could have dealt with the social security issue. They could have worked on border security. They could have given states more educational rights.

But, they made the department of education bigger with the No-Child-Left-Behind act (which a former administrator of mine called the "No Child Left Untested" act).

What constituency are they representing, exactly, then?

The 2008 election will be the first presidential election I'll vote in, and over the past couple years (partially due to my brother challenging me to think outside the typical right-wing box) have become more and more interested in politics. So, with the upcoming primary and election, I've been trying to figure out exactly what I personally believe.

And, as I've come to conclusions on some issues and am still wrestling with other issues (just how much morality *should* the government legislate?), I don't think the current Republicans in power are aligned with their own party. Given the recent track record, I think the current government is confusing right-wing voters. What, exactly, defines the GOP? Lower taxes? Smaller government? Less spending?

If so, I'd like to see that happen in 2008 and beyond.

More to come on my current political thoughts...

Video attempt

Okay - this is my first attempt to post a video. It's not super exciting, as it's my first try even to take a video with our digital camera, but I thought I'd try! You might have to press "play", then pause the video and let it buffer, and then watch it!

One of his favorite things

This is one of Grant's favorite things to do - pull out all of the books from the bin, and just go through each one of them. He LOVES his books! He especially likes the ones that have things you can touch on each page - like furry animals or rough trucks.

Hopefully he'll be like his mommy and LOVE to read! :)