It's Friday!
Even though being a SAHM doesn't provide the same type of regular work-week as working outside the home, Fridays still have that same feeling to them! The sun is shining, the weather's nice, the baby's sleeping...what a nice afternoon!
Here are some random thoughts of mine on this sunny Friday afternoon:
1) We had a wonderful weekend visiting Matt's family as his little brother graduated from high school. It was fun to spend so much time with them, and for them to see Grant so much. Being around high schoolers, though, made me miss teaching even more. I LOVE being at home with Grant, but I miss teaching. My heart will forever be in the classroom. I'm trying to remind myself, though, of the late nights grading papers, preparing worksheets, making out tests, and dealing with endless make-up work.
2) I am only 3.8 pounds away from my pre-The Boy weight!

Probably another 3 - 5 pounds after that, though, that I'll want to lose. Whew! I'm tired of this losing weight stuff!

I just want to maintain!
3) I've really been getting to know one of our neighbors, M. She's *ultra* nice. We went out to lunch at Panera yesterday, and I treated her as a pre-baby gift. :-) (She's having a planned cesarean on Monday). Well, last night Matt was walking Lizzie (our dog) for the last "outing" of the night around 10, and M.was walking by to put a thank-you note in our mailbox. She's SO sweet.
4) The former said neighbor, M, and her husband, didn't find out the gender of the baby she's having Monday. So, we're all eagerly awaiting the news. So much anticipation!

Though I don't think Matt and I could ever *not* find out, it IS exciting!!
5) I have GOT to start running more and running longer. I have determined to find a race in August or September and sign up for it to keep myself motivated. (Along with the 5K I'm doing with my mother over 4th-of-July. Mom, that's only like, 3 weeks!

6) Do you like all of my smiley faces? I for sure do!

7) I have become quite adept at typing with one hand, while the other hand is either pushing the swing or holding The Boy.
8) Our said dog, Lizzie, has officially gone off-her-rocker. Last night around 1 a.m., I heard her click-click-clicking,walking on the tile in our master bath, where we have a water bowl for her. I had forgotten to refill it before I went to bed, and, sure enough, she was thirsty at 1 in the morning. She barked at her bowl, and I lied (laid? I can never get it right) in bed, trying to ignore it. So, the dog ran downstairs, and I faintly heard her paws click-click-clicking on the tile in the kitchen, drinking out of her water bowl there. She never came back up, though, so I had to get up, call for her, and shut the bedroom door. While I was up, I refilled her water bowl in our bathroom, of which she proceeded to drink 1/2 of. What in the world makes the dog so incredibly thirsty at 1 in the morning?

8) I'm working on organizing our house, one closet at a time! WHERE is all of this stuff coming from? I just took 3 huge bags of stuff to Goodwill. I think the stuff multiplies itself.
9) Speaking of which, I'm off to organize our dining-room-turned-craft room. :-)
10) Did anyone notice there are 2 number 8's?

Have a great weekend! And, stay tuned for new pictures of The Boy soon!