It's Blustery!

It's a blustery day here in the Midwest! Snow is on the ground, the wind is blowing, and the smell of a wood stove is permeating our house. My last post I mentioned that there's almost no other profession I love as much as teaching. Well, today is one of those days that makes me love my current profession as a stay-at-home-wife. Being able to get up, make hot chocolate, have supper in the crockpot, and just generally not have to go out in the cold is fabulous! Though I LOVE teaching, and hopefully will be able to do some part-time work soon, being able to stay at home, love my husband and enjoy being a wife is even better than being in my classroom.

So, bring on the hot chocolate, baby! The low is 10 here tonight! As my dad would say, it's going to be brisk!