Poor Little Man!

Can night terrors start in an 8-month-old? And can they happen during naptimes, not just night time? For the past 3 or so weeks, Grant will often all-of-a-sudden start screaming in the middle of his nap. I mean *screaming*. Full-blown, real-tears, SCREAMING. But, his eyes will be closed, his pacifier will be in, he'll just be very upset. I can't calm him down at all - you just have to wait 3-4 minutes and the screaming will gradually decrease, and then he'll sleep for another hour or so. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket I just don't know what's going on!!! He doesn't appear to be in pain. I feel so badly for him, too!! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I might call the pediatrician Monday and run it by him. Although, sometimes I think they've blacklisted me at the ped's office - I think I have big, upper-case red letters across Grant's chart that read "Warning: High-Maintenance Parent." Sigh.

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Horn herd mom said...

I don't remember exactly when nightmares start. It also may be teeth. If he is in pain it could cause him to cry. I know it caused my kids to.

Unknown said...

Don't worry - call the pediatrician. Rob had night terrors; you didn't. Rob outgrew them, if I remember correctly, by the time he was 2-ish.