For the past week(ish) in my life...
{via cell phone photos!}
i've been...
i fell in love with a shade of dark blue from a picture of a friend's house.
my local Sherwin William people?
they've gotta think I'm a little bit of crazy as they've been helping me match shades of blue to an instagrammed-picture on my iphone.
but, i'm getting close to the right shade. my sweet Bible study girls for our wrap-up dinner.
this is one of my all-time favorite recipes.
pasta and sausage in a cream sauce?
doesn't get much better than that in my book.
...wearing my favorite {just-turned-3!} year-old.
and her bear.
...forever cleaning the kitchen.
never ending, huh?
...and drinking lots of coffee and reading lots of Hebrews.
right before my neurology appointment this week.
that chapter is open to Hebrews 11.
...through their weakness, they were made strong...
{more on that dr appointment, later, people.
but, thank-you for still praying. all results still point to multiple sclerosis}.
Happy Friday, all!
wanna catch-up with my recent MS news?
click on the link that says "Anna's journey with MS" at the top of the page.