Showing posts with label Grace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grace. Show all posts

Ready, Set..


{doesn't everyone wanna somersault in their front yard, swimsuit and rain boots necessary?}

sweet, spunky Grace.
i love her. a lot.


 upon walking into Pottery Barn for a mommy-daughter-shopping trip:

"Let's not go bye-bye, mom, okay? Let's stay at the mall? okay? okay? okay, mom?"

ah, grace. i hear ya.

a girl after my own heart, you are.

Bumblebee Transformer

I tucked this sweet girl into bed tonight.
and then 30 minutes later I re-tucked her into bed.
{she strangely took a 3 hour nap today! 
nice. but, bedtime is now questionable}

As I prayed with her {again}
she went through the typical cast of characters of whom to pray for.
bubby. mommy. daddy. papa's boo-boo.

and then, 
she came out with

can we pray for Bumblebee?

 as in the big, bright yellow, robot transformer.

Pray for Bumblebee, momma?

And my heart smiled.
I pictured my Father in Heaven smiling, too.

We thanked God for 3-year-olds and prayed that we'd get to see Bumblebee again soon.

sweet girl.


{Cast all of our cares on Him,
for He cares for us.}
i peter 5:7

every single care,
He cares.

every single situation.

He cares.

as I received my first MS medicine kit in the mail yesterday,
I rest in the fact that 

He cares.
deeply, personally.

{He cares}


Sparkly Purses.

this morning,
i found Grace's pink sparkly-handled purse
{that she had been carrying around all morning}.

in it?

a pony.

her "lipstick" that is her new obsession 
{and which the promise of a new one totally gets us through a grocery trip}

and a yellow and blue rubber ball.

because a girl never knows when she'll need a bouncy ball, right?


and, as I cleaned up her purse contents,
i had a flash-forward of about 13 years.
of her carrying a real purse.
coming in the door, plopping it on the table with the rest of cute teenage-girl-ish stuff.

i envisioned her texting her girlfriends,
doing homework,
complaining about boys.
going to sports practice,
youth group,
service projects.

and, my heart stopped.
this little baby girl of mine?
she's growing too fast.

{as is your child, I'm sure}.

since we can't slow time down,
over the past few months I've tried to be even more
 deliberately intentional with these gifts of ours.
{the possibility of a neurological disease will do that, I'm sure..
..if i won't be able to walk in 20 years, you better believe 
i want to be able to say that when I could walk, 
i ran with the kids, kicked a soccer ball, peddled a bike,
 every single time i could.}

so, today?
i hold her when she wants to be held.
i cry with her over whatever's wrong in her almost-3-year-old world.
i give her snacks, at maybe not snack time.
 i let her wear her crazy colorful boots when she wants to.

because really?
the stuff that frustrates me day-to-day?
like spilled cereal and laundry piles
and dirty bathrooms and dishes to wash?

it doesn't matter.

connecting with my kids?
being kind and tenderhearted towards them?
pointing them towards our Savior?

that matters.

i pray to that i do it better and better each day, with each new phase we enter into with its new challenges.  i pray i pursue kindness towards them, pursue tenderheartedness. pursue love, compassion, gentleness.

{and i pray you do, too.}

Beautiful Girl

This sweet Gracie-girl?


i kinda like her.
 a lot.


As I sit down at the computer,
things to write about in mind and on my heart,
Grace comes pitter-pattering into the office.
{pink fuzzy jammies, messy hair, messier face}
she comes to me and lays her head on my lap.

as i start to type,
i hear her little voice.
she starts to sing.
i pause, thinking i recognize the melody.
she's too little. how does she know all those words?

i start to type again.
head on my lap, she keeps singing.

{it's unmistakable}.

"...all the children of the world.
red, yellow, black, white
they precious His site.
Jesus loves little children world"

my heart pauses. i am stunned.

as i rock her to sleep at night, 
thinking of a very special little boy in Africa that I wish I could rock to sleep nightly,
i sing that song.
kiss her on the forehead.
I love you, Gracie-girl,
but Jesus loves you more
and into her crib she goes.

I've never heard her sing it back to me.

wherever you're at today, whatever you're doing,
Jesus loves you.
even my 2-year-old knows it.

believe it. live it.

We love because he first loved us.
i john 4:19

the sweet singing Grace.

Cow Love.

She's a sweet, sweet 2-year-old.
And a serious animal-lover.
{Last year at the fair, we had to *leave* the horse how because Grace was laughing so much that she was disrupting the contestants!}

So, her reaction to seeing these furry animals at the local county fair this year?




Did you hear that?

That was the sound of my heart. 
Breathing deep, deep breaths.

Today was exactly the day I needed.
A long day, full of lots of good friends, good laughs, and lots of kids.

{and some garage-sales!}

It can't get much better than that, can it?

It was {finally} beautiful outside.  
We played outside and then played outside some more.
No schedule. No agenda. No pressure.

Seriously, it did my heart good.

And towards the end of the day, we broke the paint out.
And Gracie? well, she kind of became the canvas.

grace. covered in sparkly paint. and completely exhausted.
yes, I did get the poor girl straight to bath and bed!

Back Home Again

Once again, three words:

We are home.

{Although this time, I'm kinda wondering for how long}.

Grace did end up having a short nasal surgery today.

 She's home now, in bed, asleep, after eating two full pieces of pizza and a clementine after not being allowed to eat all day!

The shocker of the surgery?

There was still some stray cow fuzz, or moo fur, as our house calls it, up her nose.

{I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried!}

gracie.  doesn't she look like she's contemplating all that's been happening?

We were shocked because when we were in the hospital a week ago she had a scope up her nose, which declared her all clear.

However, a scope with an awake (and screaming and kicking and wiggling) two-year-old is not as good apparently as a scope when she's sedated.

So, thank goodness for a skittle up the nose!
The stray moo fur could have harbored more toxic shock infection...and landed us back in the hospital.

We are amazed at the Lord's working.  


kinda tired.

I'm going to eat some icecream.  Watch a movie.  and then sleep.

Our sweet Grace, part 1

Many of you have been praying for our sweet and spunky just-turned-2-year-old, Grace.

Thursday afternoon we were sent straight from the doctor's office to the emergency room at the local Children's hospital.

Grace had a high fever, bright red feet, and an unusual rash.
All signs of toxic shock syndrome.

The ER got us in immediately, and within a few minutes of seeing her the ER doctor told me to prepare myself to stay for awhile-at the the very least a couple of days.

So, a ton of blood work, a CT scan, x-ray, and a whole bunch of antibiotic later, we're pretty certain it's definitely toxic shock and not the scarier stuff this rash can mean like meningitis or sepsis.

{we've been talking way too much recently about a scary stuff and our kids, haven't we?)

On the Go

This Girl? 

She is always on-the-go!
How I love her! 
{Even though the faster she gets, the bigger the house seems!}

Silly Gracie

Leaving for Africa soon.

Although I'm beyond-words excited, I am going to miss my sweet kiddos terribly.

 Soaking up all their sweet silliness before I go.