So, a friend of mine told me about this MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) program at a local church around here. It's an international program that has local chapters, geared towards supporting SAHM's. Well, I've gone a handful of times, and I've just decided to not go back. I just don't like it! Part of the deal is that for some weird reason the majority of the women are like, 10 years older than I am and have elementary-aged children. I don't have any problems making friends with women not in my age or stage of life - but I cannot make friends if they're not FRIENDLY! Argh!
All the times I've literally just stood around, feeling like a dork, with no one talking to me.

Then, when I sit down at the table for the "group" I'm assigned to, all of the women that know each other have sat there talking, essentially ignoring me. And, I'm a fairly outgoing person, so I tried to start a conversation with some of them. They politely answered my questions and then moved on. Not ONE person came over to say hi to me any of the times I went.
So, it's just not worth going back. I've gone to the Tuesday morning meetings, and I've heard that the Friday morning meetings are larger. I might try out the Friday morning session, but then I'm just done! :/ I just wanted to meet some other moms in our area - why is that so hard? :/
Sometimes groups are just not friendly to strangers. Sad, but true. Too bad if they didn't get to know you - their loss.
That stinks! If you lived closer you could come to the MOPS group that a friend and I started. It is so friendly and fun, and lots of people would talk to you, me included! :)
What a bummer! Guess you won't have to worry about whether or not the craft of the month will be interesting or not. lol Seriously, though, you should go with your cute-jeans friend to BSF instead! You'll LOVE it! :)
I really struggled with MOPS in IA as well. Not sure if it was just the church I was at or what. I think this is such a hard season of life to make friends. Babies can be so consuming. Hang in there. It takes time--in IA it took 3 years. Hopefully here it will be quicker although all signs are pointing the other direction.
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