Well, minus the random drive-through lanes where my son immediately starts asking for a hamburger with cheese when we're barely in the parking lot.
everything in moderation, right?
Anyway, I'd say that they really do eat well - the Boy is not {that} picky (for a 3 1/2 year old!), and the Baby Girl, well, she eats *everything* (except bananas and nuts, the first for taste and the second for allergies).
I love feeding them fresh fruits and veggies (don't all of us moms?), but sometimes the prep work is just too much in the middle of the day. Because, my kids get hungry right.this.instant. and don't want to wait the 2 minutes to wash and clean some strawberries.
So, on Sunday afternoons, I spend about an hour in the kitchen cleaning and cutting fresh fruits and veggies for the week. I put on some peppy music and just clean and cut and store! (My OCD organization freak gets a tad too excited at all of the matching tupperware containers in the fridge! :P)
That way, when they're hungry for lunch during the week, I can easily portion out "light saber sticks" (a.k.a. carrot sticks), strawberries, and grapes.
They eat SO much better when I do this, and it keeps our produce from going bad, too! Try it, and let me know if it helps you!