Showing posts with label neurology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label neurology. Show all posts


happy, happy, happy news around here today.
my MRA and MRI of my neck came back completely normal.

follow-up appointment in a couple of weeks with the neurologist.
{still gotta discuss the original MRI that did not come back normal, 
along with figuring out the cause of the symptoms}.

so, this could still possibly be something serious.
however, today's MRI coming back normal means 
it's not an automatic diagnosis,
and at least if it is something serious,
we're in the early stages.


so, for now, celebrating God's goodness and mercy.
thanks for celebrating with me,
praying with me,
loving me.


i've been so humbled by everyone's care and concern.
i'm just *me*.
and yet a lot of you have been so extremely kind.
 it's humbling, and touching.


so, we wait, keep praying,
and try to get back to regularly scheduled life.