Not Supermom

i'm not supermom.
{this is shocking, i realize, to those that now me well and step over laundry piles when you visit. :P}

i got some really nice comments and messages after my last post
but i realized that you may have a different view of me than i really am.
{ya know, because i only write what i want to write!  maybe i should take pictures of my dishes that are overflowing the sink or the laundry room 
that barely has some floor space right now?}

i really do love my life with little kids,
and in my heart of hearts, 
i'd have a half a dozen more,
if that's what the Lord's plan for us was.

but ya know?
the days *do* get long.

the other night after writing this post,
I told Matt that as much as I love them and even though I *know* in ten years when they're teenagers I'll miss *these* little days,
the thought of not stepping over toys scattered everywhere and not mopping the floor for the gazillionith time that day and having kids that will for-the-love-of-pete-just-please-sleep 
sounded kinda nice.
really nice. 

 i'm so not supermom.
i get impatient and irritated and cranky.
i get tired and frustrated and think i may lose it the fighting doesn't stop right.this.second.


several months ago,
after my initial MRI came back indicative of MS,
i was reading Matt Chandler's blog -
a well-known pastor diagnosed with a brain tumor a few years ago.

he mentioned that during his radiation treatment for the tumor 
he had a heightened sense of reality.

that's really how I feel after being diagnosed with MS -
this heightened sense that our lives are so, so short,
and that really, the only thing that matters is how much we love God and walk in humble obedience.


the Great Comission tells us to go into all the world and make disciples.
for lots of us, 
we don't have to go far -
we can go right upstairs, down the hall,
into the nursery or preschooler's room.

as a stay-at-home mom, 
i have every day, all day to make disciples -
to make a fully devoted follower of Christ.

and i think i've realized that it's not in the big moments around the family devotional
or idealistic scenes at the dinner table 
that make disciples.

i show my children what it means to Love God 
when I'm patient when no one can find their shoes and we need to walk out the door right now.
i show my children what it means to Love God
when i control my own frustrations over a three-year-old not getting dressed nicely.
i show my children what it means to Love God
when i love my spouse well, when i humbly serve my neighbors,
when i speak with kind words,
even when it's the middle-of-the-night and we all need sleep.

i'm so not supermom.
i just long for all my mommy friends to realize that this day-to-day stuff?
it's bigger than we realize.
we can fulfill the Great Comission,
right in our own house.

so the day-to-day moments of frustrations?
i try to remember that though they will pass,
the way i handle them?

{my kids will remember that forever.}


grace abigail. 


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DW said...

Amen, Sister. So true. :)

DW said...

Amen, Sister. So true. :)