Monday Morning

1. Grant is doing SO GREAT going to the potty! He hasn't had any accidents, as long as he's been bare-bottomed, since Day 1! (and, on Day 1, he only had one accident!) This morning we were playing with his stuffed Elmo and Cookie Monster that had his underwear on, and we were showing Elmo and Cookie how to go potty by pulling the underwear down. So, Grant wanted to wear it, so we'll see how he does!

2. Big To-Do list today! Laundry has GOT to get done, as my previous post about having to buy more underwear just might have to happen! I'd also like to get the house cleaned up more, and get the kiddos' clothes organized some! Whew. off to do some dishes before Grace wakes up! (She's actually asleep - in her crib!)

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