Poison Control

Well, we made our first (and hopefully last!) phone call to poison control! Saturday morning I was in the shower, Matt was getting ready, and Grant was playing with some toys in our master bedroom. Matt was watching Grant, and all of a sudden Matt said, "I think he's eating something". He ran over, picked him up and tried to dig out whatever it was. Grant started coughing and gagging and then threw up over Matt and the sink. I hurried out of the shower as Matt was cleaning everything up. We couldn't figure out what he had eaten, but then realized that it was deodorant! Somehow part of my deodorant must've gotten on the floor, and of course a toddler can find it!

So, we immediately read the back of the deodorant can (bottle? tub? what's a deodorant thing called?) and it said to contact poison control if ingested. I called, and they were very helpful and reassuring. She asked Grant's age, what he ate, if he were still choking, if he had thrown up. She immediately said, "he's going to be fine" to reassure me! So, Poison Control said to just give him something to drink, and to keep giving him fluids over the morning. They also had us check behind his teeth to make sure there wasn't more stuck behind them, which I thought was a great idea.

Whew! Grant was then fine - happily playing all morning! Guess Powder Fresh Secret tasted good to him!

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Ben and Emily said...

I'm soooo glad Grant is OK!

Erika said...

Ew, Secret Powder breath!

Glad he's okay! I'm sure your adrenaline was pumping!